Becoming You Parent’s Advocate

Mom repeatedly says she will talk to the doctor about her or dad’s condition but does not bring it up at the doctor visit. Or she provides a confused summary. Or she doesn’t tell anyone of a serious diagnosis. And then you find the doctor has no authorization on file that allows discussion of their…

Caregiver Meditation

A Caregiver’s Meditation (For Parent Care) It doesn’t matter how this path found you. You may have entered oblivious or unprepared, but this journey will demand intention. If only to not fight with your siblings. And the best intentions need the support of a compassionate stance (including compassion for yourself). (BTW: No matter how you…

Ask Yourself

How are you going to handle things when there is too much to handle? Your boss calls and you are at the doctors with Dad? You find mom fell days ago, is hurt, but hasn’t told anyone? The hospital calls and says mom must be discharged but can’t go home alone? You sibling flies in…

Parent Care Basics

If the only contact we have is through these pages, please consider the following very basic points: Emergency Preparedness In the course of care, you will likely need to deal with more than one medical emergency. Are you and your parents prepared? Don’t ever hesitate to call 911, even when your parents are resistant. Seniors…